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Maven: Where to put generated resources for tomcat-maven-plugin?

I have CSS and JavaScript files in src/main/webapp directory of my project. I want to join add joined and minified version of these resources to my WAR file and to the place where tomcat-maven-plugin picks it up.

I used yuicompressor-maven-plugin to create the files and put it to ${}/${}. It works great for maven package and those resources make their way to WAR file, but somehow tomcat-maven-plugin does not see those at all. Should I use a different directory for it?

My pom:


What should I do to make mvn tomcat:run to also pick up my generated files?


  • Use warSourceDirectory:


    Instead of this configuration property (warDirectory) for the tomcat-maven-plugin:


    According to the tomcat-maven-plugin documentation, warSourceDirectory is where the web resources get picked up, and its default value is ${basedir}/src/main/webapp. This means that if you don’t set that property, you need to generate your unified/minified JavaScript file under ${basedir}/src/main/webapp.

    If you set warSourceDirectory to the output folder, this means you need to generate this file before starting Tomcat.