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Buildr: How do I define a project which depends on another project in the same Buildfile?

This seems like a simple task in Buildr, so I must be missing something obvious because I can't make it work. Suppose I have a directory with two files, like so:


MyLib.scala is:

class MyLib {
  def hello() { println("Hello!") }

And MyApp.scala is:

object MyApp extends App {
  val ml = new MyLib

Building these with scalac is straightforward:

$ cd test
$ scalac lib/src/main/scala/MyLib.scala -d target/main/classes
$ scalac app/src/main/scala/MyApp.scala -cp target/main/classes -d target/main/classes
$ cd target/main/classes/
$ scala MyApp

However, my naïve attempt to turn this into a Buildfile (in the test folder):

require 'buildr/scala'

lib_layout =
lib_layout[:source, :main, :scala] = 'lib/src/main/scala'
app_layout =
app_layout[:source, :main, :scala] = 'app/src/main/scala'

define 'mylib', :layout => lib_layout do

define 'myapp', :layout => app_layout do
  compile.with project('mylib')

fails with:

(in /test, development)
Building mylib
Compiling myapp into /test/target/main/classes
/test/app/src/main/scala/MyApp.scala:2: error: not found: type MyLib
  val ml = new MyLib
one error found
Buildr aborted!
RuntimeError : Failed to compile, see errors above

and if I run buildr --trace it's pretty clear that the reason scalac is failing is because the classpath does not include target/main/classes.

How do I make this happen? I know that separating the two projects may seem contrived, but I have something much more sophisticated in mind, and this example boiled the problem down to its essential components.


  • The idiomatic way to describe your project with Buildr would be to use sub-projects,

    Note: buildfile below goes into the test/ directory.

    require 'buildr/scala'
    define "my-project" do
      define "lib" do
      define "app" do
        compile.with project("lib")

    The two sub-projects lib and app are automatically mapped to the lib/ and app/ sub-directories and Buildr will automatically look for sources under src/main/scala for each.