I've recently moved my working site to a staging environment, and now, some channels display an internal server error (500) while others work flawlessly. Nothing appears to have changed.
Is there some setting I've missed or might this have to do with a different PHP version on the staging server? Something else?
Edit 9/21:
I think I've narrowed it down to a CE_Image issue...it occurs on every template using CE_Image
Here's an example of some template code that, if removed, causes the errors to go away:
{cf_home_slideshow limit="5"}
<li data-slide="slide_{row_count}" style="background-image: url({exp:ce_img:pair allow_scale_larger="yes" src="{cf_image}" max_width="956" max_height="429" create_tag="no" crop="yes"}{made}{/exp:ce_img:pair})">
<a href="{cf_link}"><img src="{exp:ce_img:pair allow_scale_larger="yes" src="{cf_image}" max_width="956" max_height="429" create_tag="no" crop="yes"}{made}{/exp:ce_img:pair}" width="956" height="429" /></a>
<div class="slide">
{if cf_link}
<div class="view_project">
<a href="{cf_link}" class="button">View Project <img src="/assets/imgs/arrow_btn.png"></a>
D'oh! Resolved.
GD Library wasn't installed. When I installed it, all was well!