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Webapp on iPad 3 retina display slow screen painting

I have a webapp for iPod touch and iPad. Works like a charm on iPad 1 and iPad 2. Now I have tested on a new iPad (iPad 3, iPad HD whatever name to be used) and I see that the painting of the screen is slow. I can see kind of blocks being painted one by one.

Anyone knows how I can get the painting of the screen faster than iPad 1 and 2 instead of slower ?

EDIT: Bounty expiry The bounty has at least given some answers, although they are not sufficient to award the bounty. The question remains open.


  • I have updated a New iPad (iPad 3) with iOS 6 and I do not see the rendering problem any-more. I have seen in several articles that the speed of Safari has significantly increased. This performance gain in iOS 6 is solving the problem for my web-app.

    As the iPad's we use are dedicated for the web-app, I will recommend iPad 3 only with iOS6.

    Thanks for the posts and answers !