I am using ExpressJS and Mongoose.
var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(express);
var sessionStore = new MongoStore({db: 'myappsession'});
app.use(express.session({ secret: "myappsecret", store:sessionStore }));
This results in an "MongoError: Error: unauthorized db". I suppose I would need to pass it my log-in credentials. I also have,
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.createConnection('<omitted username, password and address>', 'myappsession');
I am guessing connect-mongo needs this information to log into my database to create the session store?
How do I pass connect-mongo the log-in information? Or am I doing this wrongly?
In my case, since I am already actively using Mongoose, I ended up using a solution for Mongoose.
1. Install session-mongoose
2. Use this tutorial as a guide.
3. In particular, I had problem with this line of the tutorial.
url: "mongodb://localhost/mv"
This should be something like,
url: "username:password@url/testdatabase"
Sessions are then stored in the database named ""testdatabase" in the collection "sessions".
I hope this answer help someone avoid some frustration. :)