I am using AVR as the micro controller and ATMEGA8 as the processor (inside the micrcontroller). The board that has micro controller has 4 LEDS. I am able to burn the program and light up the LEDS. But I am unable to achieve a particular thing.
L1 L2 L3 L4
These are 4 LEDS. In the first round each LED lights up after a gap of 3 seconds.The last LED (L4) keeps lighting after the first round.As the third round starts each LED lights at a gap of 3 seconds and L3 keeps lighting when L4 is also lighting and it goes on....till L1.
L1 L2 L3 L4
On On
On On On
On On On On
But I am unable to achieve this. Because as i set one LED ON other gets OFF. I even tried adding a small time gap as 10 milliseconds. How do I do this ? Here is what I have till now :
DDRB = 0xFF; // input
//PORTB = 0xFF;
// ob00011110 --> on all --> binary
int i=0;
while(i<1) {
PORTB = 0b00010000; // first led on
PORTB = 0b00001000; // second led on
PORTB = 0b00000100; // third on
PORTB = 0b00000010; // fourth on
i += 1;
PORTB = 0b00000010; // keep the 4th on and start all over again and reach til 3rd LED
It looks like your sequence is wrong. When you turn the 2nd LED on you are turning the first off. The sequence should be:
PORTB = 0b00010000; // first led only
PORTB = 0b00011000; // first and second led on
PORTB = 0b00011100; // first, second, and third on
PORTB = 0b00011110; // first, second, third, and fourth on