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Deleted Data_Stax and now no test Methods/Classes/etc. within javasrc/src

Eclipse and playOrm was running great, I finally got Cassandra running, and the test cases were compiling (running/debugging).

In the process of getting Cassandra running, I downloaded Data_Stax, which I figured was pointless, because Cassandra was probably running all along, I was just waiting for something more to appear than the "Listening for thrifts clients" message in the dos window.

That being said, today I deleted Data_Stax, and now when recreating the Java Project: from the AntBuild, my .java methods and classes no longer appear in the "Package Explorer" view.

No .java files at "javasrc", or "src"

All the .JAR library files are populating...

Expanded Library view

And the error message reads... enter image description here

Does this have something to do with removing Data_Stax?


  • Figured it out, forgot to run the .bat file, populating the library and files...