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How to get the method name that thrown the exception in Java

I have an aspect that runs after an exception is thrown from my TestNG test method. I would like to get the Test method name into my aspectj method.

Any thoughts on this? Please find my code sample below:


pointcut publicCall(): call(public * *(..));

after() throwing (AssertionError e): publicCall() {
    logger.debug("Assertion Error thrown");
    System.out.println("Threw an exception: " + e);



public void testScenarioOne(){
    logger.debug("From Scenario One Test");
    Assert.assertEquals(true, false);


  • You need to change your pointcut type from call to execution:

    pointcut publicMethod(): execution(public * *(..));
    after() throwing (AssertionError e): publicMethod() {

    Edit: Maybe it would be even cleaner to specifically intercept @Test annotated methods:

    import org.testng.annotations;
    public aspect TestExceptionInterceptor {
        pointcut testMethod(): execution(@Test * *(..));
        after() throwing (AssertionError e): testMethod() {