Search code examples

why ctags -R . don't generate index for source code in subdirectories?

current directory:

[mirror@home libevent]$ ls
arc4random.c            bufferevent_sock.c     epoll.c                event_tagging.c      evutil.c           l                       strlcpy-internal.h              buffer_iocp.c          epoll_sub.c            evmap.c              evutil_rand.c   Makefile.nmake      test
b                       changelist-internal.h  evbuffer-internal.h    evmap-internal.h     evutil_time.c           minheap-internal.h  time-internal.h
buffer.c                ChangeLog      evport.c             ht-internal.h  mm-internal.h       util-internal.h
bufferevent_async.c     ChangeLog-1.4          evdns.3                evrpc.c              http.c             LICENSE                  poll.c              whatsnew-2.0.txt
bufferevent.c           ChangeLog-2.0          evdns.c                evrpc-internal.h     http-internal.h    listener.c               ratelim-internal.h  whatsnew-2.1.txt
bufferevent_filter.c    compat                 event.3                evsignal-internal.h  include            log.c                    README              WIN32-Code
bufferevent-internal.h           event.c                evthread.c           iocp-internal.h    log-internal.h           sample              win32select.c
bufferevent_openssl.c   defer-internal.h       event-internal.h       evthread-internal.h  ipv6-internal.h    m4                       select.c
bufferevent_pair.c      devpoll.c              event_iocp.c           evthread_pthread.c   kqueue.c       signal.c
bufferevent_ratelim.c   Doxyfile             evthread_win32.c     kqueue-internal.h  make-event-config.sed    strlcpy.c

there some files in test directory:

[mirror@home libevent]$ ls test/
bench.c                regress_dns.c   regress_listener.c  regress_ssl.c        regress_zlib.c     test-fdleak.c    test-time.c      tinytest_local.h
bench_cascade.c      Makefile.nmake         regress_et.c    regress_main.c      regress_testutils.c  test-init.c      test-weof.c      tinytest_macros.h
bench_http.c         regress_buffer.c       regress.h       regress_minheap.c   regress_testutils.h  test-changelist.c  test-ratelim.c   tinytest.c
bench_httpclient.c   regress_bufferevent.c  regress_http.c  regress.rpc         regress_thread.c     test-dumpevents.c  tinytest_demo.c  regress.c              regress_iocp.c  regress_rpc.c       regress_util.c       test-eof.c   

there are lots of file which have main() function in test directory:

[mirror@home libevent]$ find test/ -regex .*.c -exec grep main {} +
test/regress.c:struct testcase_t main_testcases[] = {
test/test-weof.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/regress_dns.c:/* FIXME: We should move this to regress_main.c if anything else needs it.*/
test/regress_buffer.c:  size_t remaining;
test/regress_buffer.c:  remaining = v[0].iov_len - 512;
test/regress_buffer.c:  tt_int_op(remaining, ==, v[0].iov_len);
test/regress_buffer.c:  remaining -= 8;
test/regress_buffer.c:  n = evbuffer_reserve_space(buf, remaining+64, v, 2);
test/regress_buffer.c:  tt_int_op(remaining, ==, v[0].iov_len);
test/regress_buffer.c:  remaining -= 1;
test/regress_buffer.c:  n = evbuffer_reserve_space(buf, remaining+64, v, 2);
test/regress_buffer.c:  tt_int_op(remaining, ==, v[0].iov_len);
test/regress_buffer.c:  /* Drain some of the remaining chunk, then add it to another buffer */
test/regress_main.c:    { "main/", main_testcases },
test/regress_main.c:main(int argc, const char **argv)
test/regress_main.c:    if (tinytest_main(argc,argv,testgroups))
test/tinytest.c:static int in_tinytest_main = 0; /**< true if we're in tinytest_main().*/
test/tinytest.c:        if (!in_tinytest_main) {
test/tinytest.c:                       " called from within tinytest_main.\n");
test/tinytest.c:tinytest_main(int c, const char **v, struct testgroup_t *groups)
test/tinytest.c:        ++in_tinytest_main;
test/tinytest.c:        --in_tinytest_main;
test/test-eof.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/test-ratelim.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/tinytest_demo.c:main(int c, const char **v)
test/tinytest_demo.c:   /* Finally, just call tinytest_main().  It lets you specify verbose
test/tinytest_demo.c:   return tinytest_main(c, v, groups);
test/test-time.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/bench_cascade.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/test-dumpevents.c:   remain in the future.
test/test-dumpevents.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/test-changelist.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/test-init.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/test-fdleak.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/bench_http.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/bench.c:main(int argc, char **argv)
test/bench_httpclient.c:main(int argc, char **argv)

but after i using:

ctags -R .

open vim, then

:tag main
:g ] 

the status bar just shows:

E433: No tags file
E426: tag not found: main

what's wrong? the tags file is already loaded, why No tags file? it is confusing...

seems the index generated by ctags have include these files which include main function:

3643 main    sample/dns-example.c    /^main(int c, char **v) {$/;"   f
3644 main    sample/event-read-fifo.c        /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3645 main    sample/hello-world.c    /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3646 main    sample/http-server.c    /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3647 main    sample/le-proxy.c       /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3648 main    sample/signal-test.c    /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3649 main    sample/time-test.c      /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3650 main    test/bench.c    /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3651 main    test/bench_cascade.c    /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3652 main    test/bench_http.c       /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3653 main    test/bench_httpclient.c /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3654 main    test/regress_main.c     /^main(int argc, const char **argv)$/;" f
3655 main    test/test-changelist.c  /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3656 main    test/test-dumpevents.c  /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3657 main    test/test-eof.c /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3658 main    test/test-fdleak.c      /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3659 main    test/test-init.c        /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3660 main    test/test-ratelim.c     /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3661 main    test/test-time.c        /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3662 main    test/test-weof.c        /^main(int argc, char **argv)$/;"       f
3663 main    test/tinytest_demo.c    /^main(int c, const char **v)$/;"       f
3664 main_callback   sample/dns-example.c    /^main_callback(int result, char type, int count, int ttl,$/;"  f       file:
3665 main_testcases  test/regress.c  /^struct testcase_t main_testcases[] = {$/;"    v       typeref:struct:testcase_t

but why tag main, g ] can not locate the list of files which contain main function?

romainl's solution works for :tag name even when autochdir is enabled

i have run :set tags=./tags,tags, it works even when current dir is changed to others since autochdir is enabled, but g ] may not work sometimes, why?

but g ] not works sometimes:

the error info is E257: cstag: tag not found

Edit 2: content of .vimrc

cat ~/.vimrc
set autoindent
colorscheme desert
set number


  • The E433 error means that Vim didn't find your tags file so, no, the tags file is not already loaded.

    Typing :set tags should output something like:


    That's the default value and it means "look for a tags file located in the directory of the current file then in the current directory".

    Because you have set autochdir, it may happen that you end up in a directory without a tags file. In test, for example.

    To make sure that Vim finds your tags file, you should use something like:

    set tags=./tags,tags;$HOME

    It means "look for a tags file located in the directory of the current file then in the current directory then in any parent directory up to $HOME".


    Well, the setting above has worked as expected for me for a long while. But here is the little experiment I just did (with set autochdir, of course):

    1. I'm in ~/workspace/accordion/ that contains only one file, accordion.js.

    2. I do $ ctags -R .: ~/workspace/accordion/tags is created.

    3. I do $ mkdir -p aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/ff.

    4. I do $ vim aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/ff/test.js.

    5. In Vim, I do :tag *mini which jumps to the declaration of the mini() method, member of the Accordion() constructor located in ~/workspace/accordion/accordion.js, as expected.

    Because I've got set tags=./tags,tags;$HOME in my ~/.vimrc Vim correctly crawled from dir to dir until it reached ~/worspace/accordion/tags. Even if I was quite deep in an unrealistically deep file tree.

    Is there an accordion/aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/ff/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/aa/bb/cc/dd/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/aa/bb/cc/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/aa/bb/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/aa/tags ? no, let's go up…
    Is there an accordion/tags ? yes! let's scan it!

    As another commenter asked you repeatedly without success, what is the output of :pwd when you are in the subdirectory? Here is another request: what is the output of :call tagfiles()?