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How to use wkHtmltoPdf to generate PDf files from statcic html files in C#

Can anyone suggest how to use wkhtmltopdf in C# Console application to generate PDF files from static html files?

wkhtmltopdf -

I have tried downloading the ibwkhtmltox-0.11.0_rc1 Windows Static Library (i368) but cant include its dll into my c# console app.

Any code samples will be helpful


  • If you can I would suggest using the exe - I think it's simpler.

    For an example, check out the Derp class in another answer of mine regarding how to run the wkhtmltopdf exe from C#. Or try something like the untested code below (your true code will be more complicated, this is just a demo/POC). Just replace with the HTML page you want - you can use local files as well.

    var pi = new ProcessStartInfo(@"c:\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf.exe");
    pi.CreateNoWindow = true;
    pi.UseShellExecute = false;
    pi.WorkingDirectory = @"c:\wkhtmltopdf\";
    pi.Arguments = " gogl.pdf";
    using (var process = Process.Start(pi))

    (answer repeated from