How do I modify the :arglist attribute for a clojure fn or macro?
(defn tripler ^{:arglists ([b])} [a] (* 3 a))
(defn ^{:arglists ([b])} quadrupler [a] (* 4 a))
% (meta #'tripler) =>
{:arglists ([a]), :ns #<Namespace silly.testing>, :name tripler, :line 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH"}
% (meta #'quadrupler) =>
{:arglists ([a]), :ns #<Namespace silly.testing>, :name quadrupler, :line 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH"}
Ok, no luck there, so I tried doing the following.
(def tripler
(with-meta trippler
(assoc (meta #'tripler) :arglists '([c]))))
% (with-meta #'tripler) =>
{:ns #<Namespace silly.testing>, :name tripler, :line 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH"}
Hmm, so now the :arglists key is gone? Well, I give up, how do I do this? I would simply like to modify the value of :arglists. The examples above use defn, but I would also like to know how to set the :arglists using a macro (defmacro).
alter-meta! changes the metadata on a var. The metadata on the function is not relevant, only the var.
(alter-meta! #'tripler assoc :arglists '([b]))