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A Lot of Functions are deprecated - iOs 6

I have a few functions that are deprecated since iOs 6. Maybe this'll be helpful for others who also just updated to iOs 6.

    [self presentModalViewController:pNewController animated:YES];
 presentModalViewController:animated is deprecated since iOs 6

 Autosynthesized property 'String' will use synthesized instance variable '_String', not existing instance variable 'String'

Autosynthesized property 'phonenumber' will use synthesized instance variable '_phonenumber', not existing instance variable 'phonenumber'

 Deprecated: Group Table View Background Color is deprecated in iOS 6.0.

Could anyone help me how to fixed it so there wont be any deprecated functions in my project.

Thanks in Advance


  • [self presentModalViewController:pNewController animated:YES];

    can be replaced by

    [self presentViewController:pNewController animated:YES completion:nil];

    The background of this change can be seen on WWDC 2012 video session #236, the evolution of view controllers on iOS.