I am new to using GDataXML to parse an xml file. I want to change the value of some intermediate xml tag in the file & write it back to the file.
Eg. I have following file..
<row r="7" spans="5:6" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
<c r="E7" t="s">
<c r="F7" t="s">
<row r="8" spans="5:6" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
<c r="E8" t="s">
<c r="F8">
I want to update the value of phone no ('9890234654') to, say, 9503452366. How can I do that using GDataXML in iOS ?(I am using xcode 4.3.2)
I coudn't find any method to replace a tag value directly in the original xml tree.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Did you create the XML file/data? I suggest that you put namespace for the nodes so that they are easier to track. For example:
<sheetData xmlns="http://mypage.net/sheetdata">
<row r="7" spans="5:6" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25" xmlns="http://mypage.net/r7">
<c r="E7" t="s">
<c r="F7" t="s">
<row r="8" spans="5:6" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25" xmlns="http://mypage.net/r8">
<c r="E8" t="s">
<c r="F8">
Having the namespaces in place, here's a sample code to update the value:
//The sample xml data is assigned to this NSData object: myXMLData
//Create a GDataXMLDocument
NSError *error = nil;
GDataXMLDocument *doc = [[GDataXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:myXMLData options:0 error:&error];
//build a namespace dictionary
NSDictionary *ns = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"http://mypage.net/sheetdata", @"sd", @"http://mypage.net/r7", @"r7", "http://mypage.net/r8", @"r8", nil];
//Now here are some codes to change the value
NSError *err = nil;
GDataXMLNode *row8 = [[doc nodesForXPath:@"//r8:row" namespace:ns error:&err] objectAtIndex:0];
//Need to change value of second node
GDataXMLNode *f8 = [[row8 children] objectAtIndex:1];
GDataXMLNode *f8v = [[f8 children] objectAtIndex:0];
f8v.stringValue = @"9503452366";
//doc now has the xml with updated value. Just get the XML data, doc.XMLData, from it then convert it as you please