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MVC3 RadioButtonFor value is not binded to the model

I have a MVC3 Razor form. It have a radiobutton list and some another text fields. When I press submit controller post action get the view model, which have all fields seted correctly, except RegionID.


    namespace SSHS.Models.RecorderModels
        public class CreateViewModel
             public int RegionID { get; set; }


    namespace SSHS.Controllers
        public class RecorderController : Controller
            public ActionResult Create()
                EntrantDBEntities db = new EntrantDBEntities();

                List Regions = new List(db.Region); 
                List Schools = new List(db.School);
                List Settlements = new List(db.settlement);

                CreateViewModel newEntr = new CreateViewModel();

                ViewBag.Regions = Regions;
                ViewBag.Schools = Schools;
                ViewBag.Settlements = Settlements;

                return View(newEntr);

            public ActionResult Create(CreateViewModel m)
                EntrantDBEntities db = new EntrantDBEntities();

                Entrant e = new Entrant()
                    FatherName = m.FatherName,
                    Lastname = m.LastName,
                    LocalAddress = m.LocalAddress,
                    Name = m.Name,
                    RegionID = m.RegionID,
                    PassportID = m.PassportID,
                    SchoolID = m.SchoolID,
                    SettlementID = m.SattlementID,
                    TaxID = m.TaxID,


                return RedirectToAction("Index");


    @model SSHS.Models.RecorderModels.CreateViewModel
    @using SSHS.Models 

    @using (Html.BeginForm("Create", "Recorder", FormMethod.Post))
        @foreach (Region item in ViewBag.Regions)
           @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.RegionID, item.RegionID)
           @Html.Label(item.RegionName) - @item.RegionID

The Create(CreateViewModel m) method gets data from all textboxes normaly, but RegionID always is 0.


  • How are you planning to fill radio button with int ? It have two states: checked and not. Could you tell us, what are you trying to do? Make radio group? Use bool for RadioButtonFor.


    You need to write something like this: CheckboxList in MVC3.0 (in your example you will have radio buttons)