I want to re-read a file by adding data to the file when it reaches EOF. But second read after adding data isn't working.
This is my code
File f = new File("sample.csv");
byte[] bb= new byte[(int)f.length()];
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile (f, "r");
int bytesread=0;
bytesread = raf.read(bb, 0,(int)f.length());
//bytesread =302 or something
bytesread = raf.read(bb,0,2);
//bytesread = -1 instead of 2
What I'm doing is initially i'm reading the contents of the file, during the first read say my bytesread = 302 or something. Now Seeking the pointer to EOF and adding some data to my file and reading it again but instead of desired result bytesread =2, I'm getting bytesread as -1. Can anyone tell me what is the prob with my program?
For most streams, once you read the end of the file, you can't read again (RandomAccessFIle might be different but I suspect not)
What I would do is only read up to, but not including the end of the file, which works of other streams.
int positionToRead = ...
int length = f.length();
// only read the bytes which are there.
int bytesRead = f.read(bb, 0, length - positionToRead);
This should work repeatedly.