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Re-reading a file using Random Access

I want to re-read a file by adding data to the file when it reaches EOF. But second read after adding data isn't working.

This is my code

       File f = new File("sample.csv");
       byte[] bb= new byte[(int)f.length()];
      RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile (f, "r");
      int bytesread=0;
      bytesread =, 0,(int)f.length());
              //bytesread =302 or something;
      bytesread =,0,2); 
    //bytesread = -1 instead of 2  

What I'm doing is initially i'm reading the contents of the file, during the first read say my bytesread = 302 or something. Now Seeking the pointer to EOF and adding some data to my file and reading it again but instead of desired result bytesread =2, I'm getting bytesread as -1. Can anyone tell me what is the prob with my program?


  • For most streams, once you read the end of the file, you can't read again (RandomAccessFIle might be different but I suspect not)

    What I would do is only read up to, but not including the end of the file, which works of other streams.


    int positionToRead = ...
    int length = f.length();
    // only read the bytes which are there.
    int bytesRead =, 0, length - positionToRead); 

    This should work repeatedly.