I have a user object that is sent to and from the server. When I send out the user object, I don't want to send the hashed password to the client. So, I added @JsonIgnore
on the password property, but this also blocks it from being deserialized into the password that makes it hard to sign up users when they don't have a password.
How can I only get @JsonIgnore
to apply to serialization and not deserialization? I'm using Spring JSONView, so I don't have a ton of control over the ObjectMapper
Things I've tried:
to the property@JsonIgnore
on the getter method onlyExactly how to do this depends on the version of Jackson that you're using. This changed around version 1.9, before that, you could do this by adding @JsonIgnore
to the getter.
Which you've tried:
Add @JsonIgnore on the getter method only
Do this, and also add a specific @JsonProperty
annotation for your JSON "password" field name to the setter method for the password on your object.
More recent versions of Jackson have added READ_ONLY
annotation arguments for JsonProperty
. So you could also do something like:
@JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
private String password;
Docs can be found here.