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Camel Throwing MethodNotFound for method that exists and is public

I'm testing a camel round but when I have the route try to access a particular method in a bean it keeps saying that there is no such method found. Source:

public class CommunicatorTest
    FakeMessageConverter converter;
    CamelContext context;
    ProducerTemplate template;
    String producerEndpoint = "seda:messagesFound";
    long test = 123456789;

    static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CommunicatorTest.class);

    public CommunicatorTest()


    public void setUp() throws Exception
        converter = new FakeMessageConverter();
        SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry();
        registry.put("converter", converter);
        context = new DefaultCamelContext(registry);
        template = context.createProducerTemplate();
        context.addRoutes(new CommunicatorRoute());"Done creating context");


    public void tearDown() throws Exception

    public void testExistanceOfBean()
        Object lookup = context.getRegistry().lookup("converter");
        assertTrue("Object not a MessageConverter", lookup instanceof FakeMessageConverter);

    public void testRoute()
        Message msg = new Message();
        msg.setHeader(new MessageHeader());
        msg.getHeader().setSourceId(test);"Sending data");
        template.sendBody(producerEndpoint, msg);

        assertEquals("value not the same", test, converter.getSid());"Done Sending");

    private static class FakeMessageConverter

        private long sid;
        private boolean edited = false;

        public FakeMessageConverter()

        public void processMessage(Message msg)
            sid = msg.getHeader().getSourceId();
            edited = true;
  "The sid"+sid);

         * @return the sid
        public long getSid()
            return sid;

         * @param sid the sid to set
        public void setSid(long sid)
            this.sid = sid;


The route is as follows:

public class CommunicatorRoute extends RouteBuilder

    public void configure() throws Exception
        from("seda:messagesFound").bean("converter", "processMessage");


The exception is as follows:

ERROR [org.apache.camel.component.seda.SedaConsumer] - Error processing exchange. Exchange[Message: net.package.Message@f593af]. Caused by: [org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodNotFoundException - Method with name: processMessage not found on bean: converter. Exchange[Message: net.package.message.Message@f593af]]

org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodNotFoundException: Method with name: processMessage not found on bean: converter. Exchange[Message: com.saic.jswe.common.cdif.message.Message@f593af]

I'm still fairly new to camel so if I'm making some really simple mistake please let me know.


  • So I figured this out and it was a simple error. The routebuilder used the line from("seda:messagesFound").bean("converter", "processMessage"); which didn't work. BUT by changing the route to from("seda:messagesFound").beanref("converter", "processMessage"); and (as Claus mentions changing the access to public on the inner class) it worked fine. Just changing the class to public instead of private only changes the error it would seem.

    The crux of the issue is that the .bean() method doesn't look at the registry, so when I passed it converter I thought I was giving it the name of the bean to use, but the only .bean() variation that fits is public Type bean(Object bean, String method). So of course camel couldn't find the method: It was trying to find the method "processMessage" not in my converter but in the very string I passed it.