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Call to jQuery AJAX from firefox extension not working

Here is my code:

          url: 'xxx',
          success: function(data) 
             if (data.trim() == '0')
                //IF CODE
              //ELSE CODE

This code working fine everywhere where I want to use, but not working in case of Firefox extension.

I read the following stackoverflow articles but no avail: Call to $.ajax from firefox extension not working and Ajax In Firefox Plugin

Also try to use xmlHTTPRequest but the result is same.


  • You should use the request module given by the addon sdk. You can call and use this module only in the add-on script and not in content script.

    If you need to do an ajax request from a content script use the communication between content script and addon-script. You can find the documentation here.

    If you want, I have an example of code (I assume it can be difficult to read it) but it can be help you.