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Getting Dynamic Linking working on classic ASP pages

I am currently doing a fresh installation of Tridion 2011. We were previously using 5.3 and are keeping the database. I have so far installed the database, content manager, two content delivery servers and am now working on setting up the presentation servers. All of our web pages are built using classic asp. I was advised that I should manually install the API (linking, broker and WAI) if I wanted my asp pages to use dynamic linking (see

I have read through the documentation and it explains how to install the API as a .NET web service. I don't think this is what I want as my web pages are all classic asp. I assume I need to do something with the exe files in the Content Delivery\roles\api\windows directory but they do nothing when I run them.

When running the following code on my asp page


I get the error

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/about/index.asp, line 196


... but this is obviously going to happen as I've not got the linker installed

Additional Information

Server is 64 bit Windows Server 2008. Running IIS 7.5 but my application pool for Tridion 2011 is running in 32bit mode.

Creating other third party objects works fine. Like the Chilkat Crypt library.


  • From the Live Documentation:

    1. From each machine that runs a Content Delivery Server Role, open a Windows command prompt, access the SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 installation media, navigate to the folder Content Delivery\roles\api\windows.
    2. Install the deprecated Windows services by running the following commands:

    cd_broker.exe -install

    cd_wai.exe -install

    cd_link.exe -install