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Publishing to file system fails *.js *.css *.sitemap Tridion

I have tridion set up to publish all files except .css .js .sitemap to Database,

Please find below the config

<Item typeMapping="Page" itemExtension=".sitemap" cached="false" storageId="defaultFile"/>
<Item typeMapping="Page" itemExtension=".css" cached="false" storageId="defaultFile"/>
<Item typeMapping="Page" itemExtension=".js" cached="false" storageId="defaultFile"/>
<Item typeMapping="Page" cached="false" storageId="defaultDataFile"/>
<Item typeMapping="Binary" storageId="defaultFile" cached="false"/>
<Item typeMapping="Page" cached="false" storageId="defaultDataFile"/>
<Item typeMapping="Metadata" cached="false" storageId="defaultDataFile"/>   `

While publishing it failse at Commiting Deployment with error

Phase:Deployment Prepare Commit Phase failed, Unable to prepare transaction: Unable to Store item inide current transaction, Unable to remove data entity, org.hibernate.exceptopn.SQLGrammerException Could not exicute update query,`


  • The issue was with database connection. I used a database connection which has read only permission, I updated the connection and it started working