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Wicket 1.5 - How to configure link generated url?

I'm coding a wicket 1.5 application and I need to control the way url are rendered for security reason.

mountPage("xxx/yyy", Zzzz.class)

is excellent for that but I have a problem with url generated for link listener. For exemple, if I add the following link to my page:

add(new Link<Void>("link-login") {
  public void onClick() {

I obtain the following generated markup:

<a wicket:id="link-login" href="./home?0-1.ILinkListener-accessMenu-link~login">Login</a>

Is there a way to configure the generated url (./home?0-1.ILinkListener-accessMenu-link~login)? At least, I would like to remove the ~ character.

EDIT: Solved... According to wicket staff, generated href encode the wicket path using '-' as separator. If the wicket id contains a '-', it will be transform in '~' to avoid conflict. So in order to avoid it, just remove '-' from your wicket id.


  • By default character - is reserved as separator for components id. You can have a look here and try to use CryptoMapper if you are concerned about security.