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How to put a self many-to-many relationship together?

Possible Duplicate:
rails many to many self join

I have a problem that I can't find the answer...

The state is: I have a model called Accessories and I also have a relationship has_and_belongs_to_many to a table that connects 2 accessories (self-relationship, columns: accessory_1_id, accessory_2_id). Let's say that the relationship is called by "exceptions".

I'm using Formtastic + ActiveAdmin and I need to get this array of accessories by a relationship because in this way Formtastic can detect the current set of "exceptions" of an existing object (while editing) and set the checkboxes active automaticaly.

I'm sorry for my english.


  • check this railscasts, it makes a self HABTM association between to users using a friendship association, check it out: