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Finding a specific element in an NSArrayController

I've got an NSArrayController that contains a few elements. These elements has got a few attributes like 'name', 'interformation' etc.

What i want is simply to find an element in the NSArrayController which has the name attribute set to, lets say, 'Mads'.

Since efficiency isn't an great issue here i would just do a linear search by iterating over all the elements in the NSArrayController while checking if the 'name' attribute is 'Mads'.

But I can't seem to get an NSIterator from the NSArrayController, so I'm wondering if there's another way to do this?

Any help is appreciated


  • How about using the content?


    // ac is an NSArrayController*
    for (MyObject *mob in ac.content) {
        if ([ isEqualToString:@"something"]) {
            // found