I have class which calls a static class, the static class basically is wrapper for another class. I know i can't mock/ioc static classes but can do this for the non-static class?
below is a sample of my code structure
namespace lib.CanModify
public class Something
public void method()
var obj = lib.CanNotModify.StaticClass.DoSomething();
namespace lib.CanNotModify
public static class StaticClass
public static Node DoSomething()
/*The class i want to mock!*/
Node node = new Node(10);
return node;
please advice a way to mock the node class via mstest
the short answer is no!
You cannot mock concrete implementations of classes. You can only create instances of classes, you can only mock interfaces or base classes. A mock pretends to be a concrete class by implementing the properties of the interface or base class using inheritance. basically creating a new concrete instance of the class on the fly.
If you change your structure to:
public class Node() : INode
Then you could mock this:
var moqNode = new Mock<INode>();
(this is moq syntax btw)
you would then need to change your variable to type INode
INode node = new Node(10);
and then you'd actually also need to inject your dependancy:
public static Node DoSomething(INode node)
return node;
which would make a farce of the entire thing......?!