I have POJOs parsed from JSON.
Account [] accounts;
class Account {
Integer number;
String name;
String location;
Date started;
I get list of accounts from JSON API call. Jackson mapper maps the resulting JSON to above POJOs. I will need to do searching and other operations on these objects.
I am not sure how to store these to do the searching and to display them (in Android).
etc. Searching should be fast. I get about 500 accounts on an average. Mapping is done and I have the objects in an array now. But not sure how to go from here.
More over, I am fairly new to Java Collections and Generics. So any code example with direction would help.
If you're searching, and you can identify a single key on which to search, I'd recommend the HashMap
, because it's O(1) for access if you have a key.
is JDK 1.0 vintage; don't choose that.
Here's an example, assuming that the number is unique and represents a good search choice:
Account a = new Account(123456);
Map<Integer, Account> accounts = new HashMap<Integer, Account>();
accounts.put(a.getNumber(), a);
To access, you use the number:
Account b = accounts.get(123456);