I have a jquery function to change the opacity of an image on mouse hover to produce a pulsating effect, but I would like to change it so that the image pulsates as soon as the page loads, removing the mouse hover elements mouse over and mouse out.
Here is the code I have
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
window.pulse_image = null;
window.pulse_continue_loop = false;
$('.pulse_image').mouseover(function() {
// User is hovering over the image.
window.pulse_continue_loop = true;
window.pulse_image = $(this);
PulseAnimation(); // start the loop
}).mouseout(function() {
window.pulse_continue_loop = false;
function PulseAnimation()
var minOpacity = .33;
var fadeOutDuration = 650;
var fadeInDuration = 650;
opacity: minOpacity
}, fadeOutDuration, function() {
opacity: 1
}, fadeInDuration, function() {
if(window.pulse_continue_loop) {
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
window.pulse_image = $('.pulse_image');
window.pulse_continue_loop = true;
PulseAnimation(); // start the loop