<div class="row">
<div class="floatleft" style="width:110px;"><?php echo CHtml::label('TO :','',array('class'=>'label_name',));?></div>
<div class="floatleft"><?php $this->widget('application.extensions.tokeninput.TokenInput', array(
'model' => $model,
'url' => $this->createUrl('User/autocomplete'),
'options' => $arrOptions
); ?></div>
$arrOptions['allowCreation'] = true;
$arrOptions['preventDuplicates'] = true;
$arrOptions['resultsFormatter'] ='js:function(item){
return "<li><p>" + item.name + "</p></li>"
$arrOptions['theme'] = 'facebook';
I have a token input for a list of user names, when one type a name which does not exist I want to display "No result found", I know I have to change resultsFormatter
, but I don't know how to check the existing data with the term item?
Well existing data is checked itself by plugin but if you mean that you want to change the text of "No Results Found" use option
noResultsText: "Alternate No Results found"