Search code examples

How to handle WKT data in Android?

I have data in this format:

POINT(73.0166738279393 33.6788721326803)
MULTILINESTRING((73.0131224998036 33.679001500419,73.0119635003153 33.678392400389,73.0119205001311 33.6783781002692),(73.0131224998036 33.679001500419,73.0136031002029 33.6783443999742),(73.0136031002029 33.6783443999742,73.0147099372139 33.67685138958),(73.0147099372139 33.67685138958,73.0150124997272 33.6770292997624,73.0154158996241 33.6773507003746,73.0157677998441 33.6776577999676,73.016042399737 33.6779721004322,73.0162998999205 33.6783149004124,73.0166738279393 33.6788721326803))

Now I want to draw it on Google Maps in Android. I make an array of names and coordinates.

ArrayList<String> coordinates = new ArrayList<String>

This produces an error: when I run my application, it stops forcefully. And how can I draw it on a map?


  • Try this ,

    String str;
    ArrayList<String> coordinates = new ArrayList<String>();

    First get string from textview.

    str = textview.getText().toString();

    Second remove brackets.

    str = str.replaceAll("\\(", "");
    str = str.replaceAll("\\)", "");

    Then split with comma and add values to arraylist.

    String[] commatokens = str.split(",");
            for (String commatoken : commatokens) {
                System.out.println("-" + commatoken + "-");

    Then we get separate coordinates value at index position ,

     for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) {
                String[] tokens = coordinates.get(i).split("\\s");
                for (String token : tokens) {
                    System.out.println("-" + token + "-");