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Understanding Ninject with a more complex scenario

I am trying to use ninject to.. well do what ninject does..

Basically the injection isnt happening.

In my code below I am creating the Kernel in my "test" and expecting an IDrinkCan implementation to somehow get into my CokeComsumer class.

I think i have missed something here.. since the IDrinkCan is null when I put a break point on the CokeConsumer constructor.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Modules;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace testThing
public class MyDependencyKernel
    public static IKernel DependencyKernel { get; internal set; }

    public MyDependencyKernel()
        DependencyKernel = new StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());

    public MyDependencyKernel(NinjectModule ninjectModule)
        DependencyKernel = new StandardKernel(ninjectModule);

public class MyNinjectModule : NinjectModule
    public override void Load()

public interface IDrinkCan
    void OpenCan(int canSize);
    void DrinkSome(int milliletres);
    bool IsEmpty();

public class Coke : IDrinkCan
    private int _capacity;
    private bool _isEmpty;

    public void OpenCan(int canSize)
        _capacity = canSize;

    public void DrinkSome(int milliletres)
        if (!_isEmpty) _capacity -= milliletres;
        if (_capacity < 0) _isEmpty = true;

    public bool IsEmpty()
        return _isEmpty;

public class CokeConsumer
    public IDrinkCan Drink { get; set; }

    [Inject] //drink is not being injected
    public CokeConsumer(IDrinkCan drink)
        Drink = drink;

    public CokeConsumer()

    public void DrinkSomeCoke(int amount)

public class SomeTestClass
    public void DoSomeTest()
        MyDependencyKernel kernel = new MyDependencyKernel();

        CokeConsumer steve = new CokeConsumer();


  • This is wrong!!

    public void DoSomeTest()
        MyDependencyKernel kernel = new MyDependencyKernel();
        CokeConsumer steve = new CokeConsumer();

    I should be getting the CokeConsumer from the kernel!!!!


    var steve = kernel.DependencyKernel.Get<CokeConsumer>();