I'd like to use jQuery support.
I've downloaded and installed Aptana Studio 3.0 on Ubuntu workstation. I've created new web project, downloaded development version of jquery library from jquery.com, wrote simple script and run it. It works. But autocomplition doesn't work: Aptana for Ctrl-Space doesn't show any jQuery methods.
There are lots of solutions like this: Aptana 3 jquery code assist/hinting . I can not try it because I can not find Commands or Install Bundle menus in Aptana on Linux.
What's wrong? What I have to do?
I taken sources of javascript-jquery.ruble from https://github.com/aptana/javascript-jquery.ruble and copied it to Aptana_Studio_3/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/91/1/.cp/bundle
It's very strange method, but it works.