I spent a few days writing a test, then had to add a property at the last minute to fix one of the issues I found in writing my test. Since adding that property I have been stuck just trying to get the mocking framework to function.
Here is my code.
using (_mockRepository.Record())
_mockBattleDao.Expect(b => b.GetUnprocessedActions(gameId, round)).Return(roundResolvingItems);
_mockDao.Expect(b => b.GetMidGameCharacterStats(gameId, round)).Return(midGameCharacterStats);
_mockBattleDao.Expect(b => b.GetAmbientCharacterBuffs(_mockTiersHelper, gameId, round)).Return(new List<Buff>());
_mockBattleDao.Expect(b => b.GetActiveTriggerBuffs(_mockTiersHelper, gameId, round)).Return(triggerBuffs);
_mockBattleDao.Expect(b => b.GetActiveAmbientBuffs(_mockTiersHelper, gameId, round)).Return(new List<Buff>());
_mockDao.Expect(b => b.GetGame(gameId)).Return(new Common.Entities.Game { CompletionType = "single party down" });
_mockDao.Expect(b => b.GetAbilityById(1337)).Return(ability).Repeat.Times(3);
_mockDao.Expect(b => b.GetAbilityById(1727)).Return(attackAbility).Repeat.Times(4);
_mockTiersHelper.Expect(b => b.AddStatistic(Arg<StatAndCount>.Is.Anything)).Repeat.Times(3);
TiersCalculationContainer container;
using (_mockRepository.Playback())
container = engine.ProcessTiers();
I Know the AAA syntax is the new hotness but I have a large test that is complete but for this and I don't want to go back and rewrite.
When code execution reaches the closing "}" of the "Playback" using I get this exception:
TiersCalculationContainer.get_Round(); Expected #1, Actual #0.
When debugging the test the property "Round" is read correctly and retursn the value I mocked for it so I know it was called.
I can't find any information online about this. There seems to be about 100 ways to mock a property in Rhino mocks. None of them are working and this is getting really frustrating.
I have also tried mocking all of these ways as well (and more)
_mockTiersHelper.Expect(b => b.Round).Return(round);
_mockTiersHelper.Round = round;
I think the answer to this may be that this is a bug. I dumped Rhino and went back to Moq. 10 minutes and I was up and running. Now my tests pass. Thank you Moq!