This is not a question, just a tip after trying to get this to work myself. Maybe people know about it already but I found no documentation of it (on the Jcrop site or elsewhere).
This is actually just an undocumented feature, looking at the source code for Jcrop I noticed that it accepted a function as a second argument after the settings, which gets called after Jcrop has finished loading. So just enter your function there and presto!
/* settings go here */
function() { alert('Jcrop has finished loading!) });
Note: The settings object is NOT optional in this case. the callback only works as a second argument. You can send an empty settings object { } and it works just fine, but why you'd need a callback for such a simple Jcrop function is beyond me...
Happy coding!
/* settings go here */
alert('Jcrop has finished loading!)