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JavaScript Proxy Pattern Explained

I study JavaScript Proxy Pattern, but I still do not get, where I can benefit from it. I would therefore like to provide you with two examples and kindly ask you to point at the difference between them.

Please, take a look at the code below:

  • What is the difference between the two addEventListener calls? One of them calls handleDrop in regular way. The other uses Proxy Pattern.
  • What will I gain using Proxy pattern approach?

I tested both functions, and they both call handleDrop successfully.

DndUpload.prototype.buildDropZone = function ()
    var self = this,

    this.dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function (e) {, e) }, false);
    this.dropZone.addEventListener('drop', self.handleDrop, false);

    DndUpload.prototype.handleDrop = function (e)

You can provide me with good reference which contains very clear explanation of Proxy Pattern in JavaScript.


  • So what you're describing in your example isn't so much a demonstration of the Proxy pattern as much as a demonstration of confusion regarding the "calling object" and how it works in JavaScript.

    In JavaScript, functions are "first-class." This essentially means that functions are data just like any other data. So let's consider the following situation:

    var fn = (function () { return this.x; }),
        a = {
            x : 1,
            fn : fn,
        x = 2,
        nothing = (function (z) { return z; });

    So, we have an object a, which has two properties: fn and x. We also have variables x, fn (which is a function returning this.x), and nothing (which returns whatever it gets passed).

    If we evaluate a.x, we get 1. If we evaluate x, we get 2. Pretty simple, eh? Now, if we evaluate nothing(a.x), then we get 1. That's also very simple. But it's important to realize that the value 1 associated with the property a.x is not in any way connected to the object a. It exists independently and can be passed around simply as a value.

    In JavaScript, functions work the same way. Functions that are properties (often called "methods") can be passed as simple references. However, in doing so, they can become disconnected from their object. This becomes important when you use the this keyword inside a function.

    The this keyword references the "calling object." That's the object that is associated with a function when that function is evaluated. There are three basic ways to set the calling object for a function:

    1. If the function is called using the dot operator (e.g. a.fn()), the relevant object (in the example, a) is set as the calling object.
    2. If the function is called using the function's call or apply properties, then you can explicitly set the calling object (we'll see why this is useful in a second).
    3. If no calling object is set through method 1 or method 2, the global object is used (in a browser, this is typically called window).

    So, back to our code. If we call a.fn(), it will evaluate as 1. That's expected because the this keyword in the function will be set to a due to the use of the dot operator. However, if we call simply fn(), it will return 2 because it is referencing the x property of the global object (meaning our global x is used).

    Now, here's where things get tricky. What if you called: nothing(a.fn)()? You might be surprised that the result is 2. This is because passing a.fn into nothing() passes a reference to fn, but does not retain the calling object!

    This is the same concept as what's going on in your coding example. If your function handleDrop were to use the this keyword, you would find it has a different value depending on which handler form you use. This is because in your second example, you're passing a reference to handleDrop, but as with our nothing(a.fn)() example, by the time it gets called, the calling object reference is lost.

    So let's add something else to the puzzle:

    var b = {
        x : 3

    You'll note that while b has an x property (and therefore satisfies the requirements for fn's use of this), it doesn't have a property referencing fn. So if we wanted to call the fn function with its this set to b, it might seem we need to add a new property to b. But instead we can use the aforementioned apply method on fn to explicitly set b as the calling object:

    fn.apply(b); //is 3

    This can be used to "permanently" bind a calling object to a function by creating a new function "wrapper." It's not really permanently binding, it's just creating a new function that calls the old function with the desired calling object. Such a tool is often written like so:

    Function.prototype.bind = function (obj) {
        var self = this;
        return function() { 
            return self.apply(obj, arguments);

    So after executing that code, we could do the following:

    nothing(a.fn.bind(a))(); //is 1.

    It's nothing tricky. In fact, the bind() property is built into ES5 and works pretty much like the simple code above. And our bind code is actually a really complicated way to do something that we can do more simply. Since a has fn as a property, we can use the dot operator to call it directly. We can skip all the confusing use of call and apply. We just need to make sure when the function gets called, it gets called using the dot operator. We can see how to do it above, but in practice, it's far simpler and more intuitive:

    nothing(function () { return a.fn(); })(); //is 1

    Once you have an understanding of how data references can be stored in closure scope, how functions are first-class objects, and how the calling object works, this all becomes very simple to understand and reasonably intuitive.

    As for "proxies," those also exploit the same concepts to hook into functions. So, let's say that you wanted to count the number of times a.fn gets called. You can do that by inserting a proxy, like so (making use of some concepts from our bind code from above):

    var numCalls = (function () {
        var calls = 0, target = a.fn;
        a.fn = (function () {
             return target.apply(a, arguments);
        return (function () {
            return calls;

    So now, whenever you call numCalls(), it will return the number of times a.fn() was called without actually modifying the functionality of a.fn! which is pretty cool. However, you must keep in mind that you did change the function referenced by a.fn, so looking way back to the beginning of our code, you'll notice that a.fn is no longer the same as fn and can't be used interchangeably anymore. But the reasons should now be pretty obvious!

    I know that was basically a week of JavaScript education in a couple pages of text, but that's about as simple as it gets. Once you understand the concepts, the functionality, usefulness, and power of many JavaScript patterns become very simple to understand.

    Hope that made things clearer!

    UPDATE: Thanks to @pimvdb for pointing out my unnecessary use of [], 0). I have removed it because it's, well, unnecessary.