I want to compile a set of .scss
files to different filenames.
In development, I want to compile eg. foo.scss
to foo.dbg.css
(unminified and with comments). In production, I want to have eg. foo.min.css
Is there a way to tell SASS/Compass what to use as the target extension? A command-line switch? A config.rb
Writing a script that first compiles and then renames files seems like a bad option, because then I can't use compass watch
(Well, I could compile to two different output directories and then write a script that copies the files from there. That feels a bit clumsy.)
UPDATE: I worked around the problem by writing a simplified version of the watch code. When something changes, it triggers a recompile to two different output directories, then renames and moves the files to place.
No it can't. I asked the same question in the mailing lists about RTL stylesheets.
However, you can run compass compile using different 'config.rb' files.
Try compass compile -c debug.rb
UPDATE: Compass still can't, but Gulp can watch and generate several target css files using Sass and Compass. See https://github.com/Snugug/gulp-css-target/