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find coordinates of vertices of an undirected, unweighted graph

Suppose I have an undirected, unweighted graph, with 'N'(say) vertices. I'm trying to find the co-ordinates of the vertices of the graph.

I don't seem to understand, how can we get the coordinates of the graph, without any function being provided. Is there any standard method we adapt to get the co-ordinates of the graph?

I need these co-ordinates because I want to use them as input parameters(by collecting them and placing in a file and supplying this file as argument) to fd3 program, to calculate the fractal dimension of a network(given coordinates of graph).


  • I would use the Cluster Growing Method to get the fractal dimension of the system, as opposed to trying to use a box-counting algorithm. It is much better suited to the task when the vertices are not associated with physical space.