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Change Tab from Backing bean using JSF 2.0

I want to change tab from backing bean , how can I do that?

<h:form id=form>  

    <p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true" />  

    <p:tabView id="tabView" dynamic="true" widgetVar="detailsTab">  

        <p:ajax event="tabChange" listener="#{bean.onTabChange}" update=":form:growl"/>  

        <p:tab title="Tab1" id="emp">  
            <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">  


        <p:tab title="Tab 2 " id="schedule1">  
            <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">  



        <p:tab title="Tab 3" id="schedule2">  
        <p:schedule value="#{bean.eventModel}" slotMinutes="15" 
                            resizable="false" widgetVar="schdule" initialDate="#{bean.dates}" draggable="true" styleClass="#{bean.selDates}"
                             <p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{bean.onDateSelect}"
                                update="dialogBox"  oncomplete=""/>
                              <p:ajax event="eventSelect" listener="#{bean.onEventSelect}" 
                                update="dialogBox :form:growl" oncomplete="#{bean.pevent}"/>
                                <p:ajax event="eventMove" listener="#{bean.onEventMove}"
                                update="dialogBox, :form:growl" />

         <p:dialog id="dialogBox" header="Patient's Appointment Details" widgetVar="patScheduleDialog" resizable="true"  
                                 showEffect="explode" hideEffect="explode">  

                <h:panelGrid id="eventDetails" columns="2">  
            <h:outputLabel for="title" value="Title:" />  
            <p:inputText id="title" value="#{bean.event.title}" required="true"/>  

            <h:outputLabel for="from" value="From:" />  
            <p:inputMask id="from" value="#{bean.event.startDate}" mask="99/99/9999">  
                <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />  

            <h:outputLabel for="to" value="To:" />  
            <p:inputMask id="to" value="#{bean.event.endDate}" mask="99/99/9999">  
                <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />  

            <h:outputLabel for="allDay" value="All Day:" />  
            <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="allDay" value="#{bean.event.allDay}" />  

            <p:commandButton type="reset" value="Reset" />  
            <p:commandButton value="Save" actionListener="#{bean.addEvent}" oncomplete="schdule.update();dialogBox.hide();"/>  




  public void onEventSelect(ScheduleEntrySelectEvent selectEvent){

    // what should I need to do here to set "Tab 2" if click on any event.



  • First, you need to set the activeIndex attribute of your <p:tabView>, like this: <p:tabView activeIndex="#{bean.selectedTab}">. It's an Integer.

    Second, in your bean method, whenever you want to change the active tab, set selectedTab to the tab you want to be selected.

    Third, remember to update the <p:tabView>.

    You could also do that using JavaScript. Just set the widgetVar attribute of your <p:tabView>, like this: <p:tabView widgetVar="myTabView">.

    Then use the JavaScript function, where tabIndex is the index of the tab you want to select.

    You can do that at any javascript event, for example: <p:commandButton oncomplete="" /> would select the second tab after the action of the commandButton completed.

    Make sure you read PrimeFaces docs.