My data look like this
Study NDF ADF CP Eeff
1 35.8 24.4 18.6 34.83181476
1 35.8 24.4 18.6 33.76824264
1 35.8 24.4 18.6 32.67390287
1 35.8 24.4 18.6 33.05520666
2 39.7 23.4 16.1 33.19730252
2 39.4 22.9 16.3 34.04709188
3 28.9 20.6 18.7 33.22501606
3 27.1 18.9 17.9 33.80766289
Of course, I have 80 lines like this.
I used lme
function to run a mixed model (Study as random effect), as following:
fm1<-lme(Eeff~NDF+ADF+CP,random=~1|Study, data=na.omit(phuong))
I got this result:
Fixed effects: Ratio ~ ADF + CP + FCM + DMI + DIM
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 3.1199808 0.16237303 158 19.214896 0.0000
ADF -0.0265626 0.00406990 158 -6.526603 0.0000
CP -0.0534021 0.00539108 158 -9.905636 0.0000
FCM -0.0149314 0.00353524 158 -4.223598 0.0000
DMI 0.0072318 0.00498779 158 1.449894 0.1491
DIM -0.0008994 0.00019408 158 -4.634076 0.0000
ADF -0.628
CP -0.515 0.089
FCM -0.299 0.269 -0.203
DMI -0.229 -0.145 0.083 -0.624
DIM -0.113 0.127 -0.061 0.010 -0.047
These results show the case where intercept is random but slope is fixed. How can I see my 80 intercept, for example, like below when I used study as fixed effect:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.0021083 0.0102536 -0.206 0.837351
ADF 0.0005248 0.0002962 1.772 0.078313 .
CP 0.0021131 0.0003277 6.448 1.26e-09 ***
factor(Study)2 0.0057274 0.0038709 1.480 0.140933
factor(Study)3 0.0117722 0.0035262 3.338 0.001046 **
factor(Study)4 0.0091049 0.0043227 2.106 0.036730 *
factor(Study)6 0.0149733 0.0045345 3.302 0.001182 **
factor(Study)7 0.0065518 0.0036837 1.779 0.077196 .
factor(Study)8 0.0066134 0.0035371 1.870 0.063337 .
factor(Study)9 0.0086758 0.0036641 2.368 0.019083 *
factor(Study)10 0.0105657 0.0041296 2.559 0.011434 *
factor(Study)11 0.0083694 0.0040194 2.082 0.038900 *
factor(Study)16 0.0171258 0.0028962 5.913 1.95e-08 ***
factor(Study)18 0.0019277 0.0042300 0.456 0.649209
factor(Study)20 0.0172469 0.0040412 4.268 3.36e-05 ***
factor(Study)23 0.0132676 0.0031658 4.191 4.57e-05 ***
factor(Study)24 0.0063313 0.0031519 2.009 0.046236 *
factor(Study)25 0.0050929 0.0039135 1.301 0.194989
Thank you very much, Phuong
You didn't give us a reproducible question, but the answer is to use coef
, for example:
> library(nlme)
> fm1 <- lme(distance~age,random=~1|Subject,data=Orthodont)
> coef(fm1)
(Intercept) age
M16 15.84314 0.6601852
M05 15.84314 0.6601852
M02 16.17959 0.6601852
M11 16.40389 0.6601852
M07 16.51604 0.6601852
M08 16.62819 0.6601852
M03 16.96464 0.6601852
to get just the fixed effect coefficientsranef()
to get just the random effects (i.e. deviations of each individual from the fixed coefficientsOrthodont
example in lme
actually uses a random-slope(+intercept) model; here I have fitted a random-intercept model, so the estimated slope (age
parameter) is the same for every individual