Why does this code throw ShimNotSupportedException in operator?
ShimStreamReader.AllInstances.EndOfStreamGet = ((s)=>calls < 1);
public void GetAllLinesFromFile__()
int calls = 0;
using (ShimsContext.Create())
ShimStreamReader.AllInstances.EndOfStreamGet = ((s)=>calls < 1);
ShimStreamReader.AllInstances.ReadLine = (s) =>
return ";;;;;;;;;;";
var streamFake = new ShimStreamReader();
var obj = new MyFile(streamFake, ';');
Assert.IsTrue(obj.GetAllLinesFromFile().Count() == 1);
Could it be that you are running the test from Resharper or some other testrunner?
I've written a few blogposts related to this which may be helpful: