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render a SINGLE GSP in a specific locale

I'm trying to render a GSP in a specific locale.

Both these solutions work

using params


Using code in controller

    def newLocale = new Locale(lang)
    RCU.getLocaleResolver(request).setLocale(request, response, newLocale)
    render(view: "mail", model: [invoiceInstance: invoiceInstance])

Unfortunately both these solution change the session object forever and affects all GSP afterwards.

If I try the change the LocaleResolver after the Render statement it does not work.

    // Switch to OWNER language for print preview
    def newLocale = new Locale(lang)
    RCU.getLocaleResolver(request).setLocale(request, response, newLocale)

    render(view: "mail", model: [invoiceInstance: invoiceInstance])

    // switch back to user language
    def newLocale2 = new Locale(user.language)
    RCU.getLocaleResolver(request).setLocale(request, response, newLocale2) 

So how can a force a SINGLE render in a specific locale?


  • After much search I had to pass the locale object to every tags in the GSP.

    Not elegant for Grails but it works.