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How do you force a word to change case etc to preserve branding using jquery possibly?

Let's say you are Apple... and sitewide you want every instance of iPod to always be proper case and structured to preserve the branding. I have a similar issue with a company that is not apple at all but has the same branding challenge.

So even if someone types IPOD or ipod or iPoD in the CMS running the site, it will appear correctly always as iPod

Even if there is a text-transform CSS on a headline making everything uppercase like IPOD ETC ETC, it will force the i lower case to be iPOD ETC ETC.

Even if there are plurals or variants like ipods, IPODAGE, iPoDdInG... and any bastardization of it will convert to the proper case - iPods, iPodage, iPodding

I've done some experimenting with the following script I found on jsfiddle and I'm not having much luck although I'm fairly unschooled with js in general.

I'm already pulling in jquery for a number of other things in the site so I am fine with utilizing it.


  • Just modified Shmiddty's solution a bit

    $.fn.changeWord = function (str, className) {
        var regex = new RegExp(str, "gi");
        return this.each(function () {
            this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp('(' + str+ '(?=(?:[^\>]|\<[^\<]*\>)*$))', 'gi'), "<span class='"+className+"'>$1</span>");
    $('#myDiv').changeWord('specialWord', 'sw');
