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Differences between requires_new and nested propagation in Spring transactions

I can't understand the behavior difference between the PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW and PROPAGATION_NESTED propagation policies. It seems to me that in both cases, the current process is rollbacked but not the whole transaction. Any clue?


  • See this link: PROPAGATION_NESTED versus PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW? Juergen Hoeller explain it very well. -- the Spring Source Forum is completely offline since February 28, 2019, but you can read the relevant part of the article in the quote below

    PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW starts a new, independent "inner" transaction for the given scope. This transaction will be committed or rolled back completely independent from the outer transaction, having its own isolation scope, its own set of locks, etc. The outer transaction will get suspended at the beginning of the inner one, and resumed once the inner one has completed. ...

    PROPAGATION_NESTED on the other hand starts a "nested" transaction, which is a true subtransaction of the existing one. What will happen is that a savepoint will be taken at the start of the nested transaction. Íf the nested transaction fails, we will roll back to that savepoint. The nested transaction is part of of the outer transaction, so it will only be committed at the end of of the outer transaction. ...