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Thread-safe singleton and nonatomic properties issue

I have an issue, described below and solution. But I think our solution is not really "right way" to solve this issue.

1: I have thread safe singleton for Data

@interface DataSingleton : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly, retain) NSString *userLogin;


#import "DataSingleton.h"

@synthesize userLogin   = _userLogin;


    static dispatch_once_t DataSPred;
    static DataSingleton *shared = nil;
    dispatch_once(&DataSPred, ^{ shared = [[self alloc] init]; });
    return shared;

    _userLogin = prettyLogin;


2: Also I have same singleton for Network and i use feature

[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request 
     queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] 
     completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) 
         { <block> }];
// I know about mainQueue - only for UI. Here it is, for clarity.

3: The issue

When i try get [[DataSingleton sharedSingleton] userLogin] within NSURLConnection block (in one of NetworkSingleton methods) - i get same time and in _userLogin i found some garbage =(

4:Bad solution

I spend about an hour and don't find correct answer for my question. And create this:

@interface DataSingleton : NSObject{
    NSString* _userLogin;



#import "DataSingleton.h"


    static dispatch_once_t DataSPred;
    static DataSingleton *shared = nil;
    dispatch_once(&DataSPred, ^{ shared = [[self alloc] init]; });
    return shared;

    return _userLogin;


    _userLogin = [prettyLogin retain];
    //I can,t release it and 
    //static code analysis is not happy with what is happening


Are any one have the idea?

Best regards Sergey


  • You have to retain the value in the setter. Actually the problem has nothing to do with threading.

    Your function is almost correct.

    -(void)setPrettyLogin:(NSString*)prettyLogin {
        _userLogin = [prettyLogin retain];

    But it should be

    -(void)setPrettyLogin:(NSString*)prettyLogin {
        if (_userLogin != prettyLogin) {
             NSString *tmp = _userLogin;
             _userLogin = [prettyLogin retain];
             [tmp release];
    -(void)dealloc {
        [_userLogin release];
        [super dealloc];

    Now if you wan't to release the value call

    [[DataSingleton sharedSingleton] setPrettyLogin:nil];