I am using ANTLRWorks 1.4.3 together with ANTLR 3.4 to generate a Java-based parser and lexer from a grammar file. The generated .java
-files contain strings like
C:\\Users\\[path to the eclipse project]\\src\\some\\package\\name\\MyGrammar.g
This absolute path is used as
of lexer and parser, andI see following disadvantages:
C:\\Users\\simon\\customerA\\crap_software\\[rest of the path to grammar file]
Is there a way to control this in ANTLRWorks or ANTLR s.th. at least only relative paths are used?
Finally I found a way to solve my own problem.
Paths seem to depend from where and how you invoke ANTLR. I was not able to achieve this with ANTLRWorks, but using command line ANTLR you are able to perform this. You can do the following (example is for Windows but should be reproducible on other OSes, too):
Download Antlr for command line and copy it to e.g.
C:\Program Files (x86)\ANTLRworks\antlr-3.4-complete.jar
Open a Windows command line (cmd.exe
) and change to the directory where your grammar file is located:
cd C:\Users[path to the eclipse project]\src\some\package\name
java -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\ANTLRworks\antlr-3.4-complete.jar" MyGrammar.g
from commandline.
The generated java files will only contain the name of your grammar file and no path anymore.