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How do I add a folder to the classpath of a Tomcat container being started by the maven cargo plugin

I am using the cargo-maven2-plugin to start and stop a tomcat container from my maven build. I am able to get this working for my application including the deployment of extra jar files not included in the war. However, the war file I am deploying needs to have a directory/folder of groovy scripts included in the tomcat common classpath.

Is it possible to configure this cargo plugin to add a folder to the tomcat common classpath? Note, I am not looking to include a jar dependency into this classpath - just the folder of groovy scripts.

Edit: So far I have worked around this by copying in a new file that contains this folder. This works, but it is very container specific.


  • You can add a section to include file or directories, for instance


    Further documentation in Maven 2 Plugin Reference Guide