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How to uncomment code block in emacs python-mode?

I just started using python-mode in emacs and I noticed that while the major mode has an option for commenting out a region ((py-comment-region) which is bound (C-c #))there is no option to uncomment the code block which is already commented. I checked all the active keybinds in python-mode and could not find any relevant key. Am I missing something?

I did think of a couple of work arounds like using (delete-rectangular) (bound to C-x r d) to delete the comments. Another method would be to bind the (comment-or-uncomment-region) to some key and start using that.

But is there any option provided in python-mode itself by default?


  • I'm using comment-dwim which is really smart and can be used for both commenting and un-commenting active regions. It works for the python mode as well.

    You can find more information in emacs comment commands.