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c++ to VB.Net IntPtr Strings

Alright so I have this code, and I pass it to an unmanaged dll, to which I only know the exports, and have some sample code. I'm getting back the correct string, but it's followed by garbage bytes.

I'm basically translating code verbatim from a c++ example program that doesn't have this issue. I'm assume there is something fundamental I am missing here, so if anyone could tell me what that is, I'd appreciate it.

Example C++ Code

void CDUKPT_TESTDlg::OnButton4() 
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    unsigned char dataout[1024],tmp[1024],ksn[20],keyval[20];
    int nRet,len;

    two_one((unsigned char *)m_strCURKSN.GetBuffer(m_strCURKSN.GetLength()),m_strCURKSN.GetLength(),ksn);
    two_one((unsigned char *)m_strMACK.GetBuffer(m_strMACK.GetLength()),m_strMACK.GetLength(),keyval);
    two_one((unsigned char *)m_EncryptDat.GetBuffer(m_EncryptDat.GetLength()),m_EncryptDat.GetLength(),dataout);

    //extern int __stdcall ExtractDat(unsigned char *input,
    //unsigned short len,unsigned char *output,unsigned char *key,
    //unsigned char *ksn);
    nRet=ExtractDat(dataout,len,tmp,keyval,ksn); //External Call
    //Good string+bad trailing data comes back in tmp

This code spits out this ܉Òdÿo 

Here is my VB.Net Code

Public Function Encrypt(ByVal inp As String) As String
    Dim tmpSB As New StringBuilder
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim tKsn As Char() = TwoOne(StrCurKsn)
    For i = tKsn.Length To 19
        tKsn = tKsn + Chr(0)
    Dim tMack As Char() = TwoOne(StrMack)
    For i = tMack.Length To 19
        tMack = tMack + Chr(0)
    Dim tEnc As Char() = TwoOne(inp)
    For i = tEnc.Length To 1023
        tEnc = tEnc + Chr(0)
    Dim len As Integer = tEnc.Length / 2

    Dim tmpStr(1023) As Char
    Array.Clear(tmpStr, 0, 1024)
    Dim tmpPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(tmpStr)

    Dim nRet = ExtractDat(tEnc, len, tmpPtr, tMack, tKsn)

    tmpStr = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(tmpPtr)
    Dim tsl = tmpStr.Length
    Encrypt = tmpStr
End Function

This code spits this out

܉Òdÿo ålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙålUäÙ

So I get the right string, but it's followed by a repeating string of garbage characters. I'm hoping I've done something blatantly wrong here, but I've tried pulling the data as bytes, and chars, and converting in many different methods, and I can't seem to get rid of those characters...Also, ExtractDat doesn't return the length of the string(not a problem, as it's not supposed to, which is really annoying).


  • Turns out the dll was bad, so after I got a fresh compile from the vendor it seemed to work.