I've created a plugin for a program adding TFS-VCS integration to that program using the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.*
Basicaly that works, but now I have a problem with custom checkin policies:
We have 2 checkin policies activated for the project: The ChangesetCommentPolicy from the TFS Power Tools and a custom policy wich is created by us.
Both work in Visual Studio and the Shell Integration, but in my plugin I get the following error:
Internal error in Changeset Comments Policy. Error loading the Changeset Comments Policy policy. Installation instructions: To install this policy, follow the instructions in CheckForComments.cs.
Same for our custom policy, just with the other policy name.
Here a code snippet how I get the policy warnings:
//CurrentWorkspace is Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workspace
CheckinEvaluationResult result = Manager.CurrentWorkspace.EvaluateCheckin(CheckinEvaluationOptions.Policies,
PendingChanges.ToArray(), changes.ToArray(), textBoxComment.Text, GetCurrentCheckinNotes(), GetSelectedWorkItems());
if (result.PolicyEvaluationException != null || result.PolicyFailures.Length > 0)
labelPolicyWarning.Text = "The following check-in policies have not been satisfied";
pictureBoxWarning.Visible = true;
foreach (PolicyFailure failure in result.PolicyFailures)
if (result.PolicyEvaluationException != null)
labelPolicyWarning.Text = "All check-in policies are satisfied";
pictureBoxWarning.Visible = false;
How can I "load" the policies in my plugin so they can be executed?
P.S.: The program the plugin is for is FlashDevelop if that matters.
It seems this is not supported at the moment as even MS does not have a solution: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/pl-PL/tfsgeneral/thread/344b1846-d571-4d17-842b-70fc05f5a83a