I have an application using PrettyFaces and PrimeFaces. One page is accessed using the URL pattern /#{ location : navigationBean.location }/#{ year : navigationBean.year }
On that page I have a p:selectOneMenu
containing possible values for location. If I change this menu I want the page to be refreshed with the same year and the new location.
I've tested this using AJAX to set the location in the navigationBean and then pressing a p:commandButton
with the outcome pretty:view
being the url-mapping id). This works but I want to get rid of the button.
I've tried the following, but sadly the return String in the method doesn't perform a navigation.
The JSF:
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{navigationBean.location}">
<p:ajax listener="#{navigationBean.navigate}"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{locationBean.locations}"/>
Backing bean:
public String navigate(AjaxBehaviorEvent event)
return (location != null) ? "pretty:view" : null;
The PrettyFaces config:
<url-mapping id="view">
<pattern value="/#{ location : navigationBean.location }/#{ /\\d{4}/ year : navigationBean.year }/"/>
<view-id value="/view.xhtml"/>
You can't return a navigation outcome from (ajax) action listeners. You can only return it from real action methods as used in <h:commandButton action>
Use NavigationHandler#handleNavigation()
public void navigate() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
.handleNavigation(context, null, (location != null) ? "pretty:view" : null);