Yet again I am asking something for my project and I pretty much feel like I am a total newb in Java...
Anyway, I was recently told about ResourceBundle. My real problem is that I cannot understand the Oracle Documentation on the class in general and that I get some weird compile-time errors.
First off I made three Bundles mwb extends java.util.ResourceBundle
, a second mwb_el extends mwb
and a third mwb_en extends mwb
. I made a contents
variable of type Object[][]
and wrote a method getContents()
that return cotents;
! Then I went into each class and changed the values for the second field in each line (not the key, the value). No I am stuck at a point that I cannot really get how to handle getting the values.
I checked some tutorials and examples but I got even more confused. What I need is someone to explain to me:
How do I make the mwb object I create and initialize in a class get the locale I want it to.
How do I get a certain value. I tried getObject(), getString() even the getContents() and even overriden the handleGetObject() to no avail.
Thanks in advance! :)
Property file should have messages in key/value pairs.
key1=message1 key2=message2
If you have a resource file called "" you can load it as follows.
Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle", locale);
then messages.getString("key1")
should return "message1".