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How to detect quad buffered stereo capability on Mac?

I want my application to correctly detect the presence of a quad buffered video card, so I can enable stereo viewing, only when 3D viewing is possible.

I have two Mac computers here: 1) Mac Pro Mac OS 10.6.8 desktop with nvidia Quadro 4000 video card ; 2) MacBook Pro laptop Mac OS 10.6.8 with two video boards a: built in Intel HD graphics and b: nvidia GeForce 330M.

The first computer has a connector for 3D glasses on the card. That's the one I want to display stereo 3D on. I don't think it's possible to view hardware stereo on the second laptop computer. So I want my application to detect which sort of computer it is on, and react appropriately. I thought I knew how to do that. But it isn't working. My application thinks quad buffered stereo works on both computers.

Witness a simple test program:


Test program to demonstrate apparent quad-
buffered stereo support on Mac laptop

from OpenGL.GL import *
from PySide.QtGui import QMainWindow, QApplication
from PySide.QtOpenGL import QGLWidget, QGLFormat
import sys

class MyGLWidget(QGLWidget):
    "Simple OpenGL canvas to test stereoscopic display capabilities"
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # Constructor for QGLWidget grabs a default OpenGL context
        # (which was set up in the main program, below)
        QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        if self.format().stereo():
            # According to Qt docs, this is supposed to be the way to detect
            # quad buffered stereo support
            print "Quad buffered stereo appears to work(2)"
        self.useStereo = self.format().stereo()

    def initializeGL(self):
        "initializeGL is called once, after the OpenGL context is really ready"
        print "initializeGL"
        if glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO):
            # This is the real OpenGL way to detect quad buffered stereo
            print "Quad buffered stereo appears to work(3)"
        self.useStereo = glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO)

    def paintGL(self):
        if self.useStereo:
            # Left eye fill with yellow
            glClearColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
            # Right eye fill with cyan
            glClearColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
            # Both eyes fill with green
            glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK) # both left and right
            glClearColor(0, 1, 0, 1)

# Attempt to use stereoscopic QGLFormat OpenGL format
# To work, this must be called before MyGLWidget is constructed.
fmt = QGLFormat.defaultFormat()
if fmt.stereo():
    print "Quad buffered stereo appears to work(1)"

# The usual Qt hello world boilerplate...
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
win = QMainWindow()

On both computers, all three "Quad buffered stereo appears to work" messages are printed.
On the stereo-ready workstation with a 120Hz stereo monitor, the background of the window appears pale lime green, as it switches between the yellow and cyan colors at 120 Hz. On a 60Hz monitor, it is possible to perceive the seizure-inducing flickering between the two colors. This flickering also appears on the laptop, suggesting that maybe it really does support quad buffered stereo?

One final wrinkle: If I connect the laptop to an external monitor, I see the flickery superposition on the external monitor, but on the laptop screen the window is yellow, i.e. the BACK_LEFT buffer color only. With just the laptop screen or just the external monitor, I observe the flickery phenotype.

Does the GeForce 330M video board really support quad buffered stereo on Mac? Is there a better way to detect a real quadro board from my program?


  • All Mac computers I have tested support quad buffered stereo. Even those with so-called consumer level (i.e. non-Quadro) video cards. This explains why even my laptop claims to support stereo. Because it does.

    To prove that all Macs support quad buffered stereo, I needed 3D hardware that accepts frame sequential stereo without a sync signal. I now have that at my work. And I am viewing beautiful quad-buffered stereo from Mac computers. This is awesome. So why am I unable to find any vendor who sells Mac oriented stereo3D solutions? This beautiful capability is sitting latent on Macs, and nobody seems to realize it is there.